Danville’s dspblok™ DSP Modules have highly integrated DSP cores that are easy to incorporate into embedded applications. Each dspblok includes a DSP, USB coprocessor, flash, eeprom, and switching power supplies for the core power supply.
The global chip shortage has affected the SHARC as well as many other parts. We have limited supplies of fourth generation devices (ADSP-214xx). All dspblok 214xx boards are currently on allocation to existing dspblok customers. The good news is that the much faster fifth generation parts (ADSP-215xx) are in better supply and we have these available. We recommend that all new designs and most existing designs migrate to the dspblok 21565 and furture dspblok 215xx boards. Danville engineers are available to help you with this transition.
The USB port is available as a control interface for your application program. It is also used as a programming interface for Danville's dspBootloader program. You can program the dspblok without needing a special programmer or ICE.
Danville's dspblok DSP Engines are largely pin-compatible. This allows your application to use the most appropriate solution without requiring changes to your companion hardware.